Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kensington Elizabeth ~Two Months~

Awwwwwe, my baby is growimg so fast! Kensi is so alert and likes to smile! I love love love to take pictures  of her! We did this little shoot the other night;) It wasn't the best lighting, but I still wanted to share them! Enjoy.
                                                  Xoxo Kara

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Thank God for little girls. Life would be 100x less sweet without little girls. Love baby Kensington so much! Had a fabulous time taking pictures of this beautiful baby.
                              Xoxo Kara


Congrats James! *2013*

Another senior! I love seniors, they are so full of life and are just starting off on their adventures! I had a blast shooting (with my camera, of course) James. We headed over to Turlock and had a great time. Congrats James! I hope you achieve all your dreams. Xoxo Kara

Congrats Nichole * 2013*

Well, it's that time of year again! Senior pictures. Congrats to Nichole, whose a senior this year! I had a great time shooting Nichole! I wish her all the luck for the future and am so proud of her!
                                  Xoxo Kara

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Nathan, Lorraina and Mason

This past week I did a shoot with three beautiful kiddos! We all had so much fun! These kids are great and I LOVE THEM!....(could be because they are my cousins ;) ha) By the way, Go 9'ers!
                                           Xoxo Kara